Yongbok Blog

Arcus – Open source cloud cache server

1. Arcus?

네이버에서 자사 서비스에 적용하기 위해 Zookeeper와 Memcached를 조합 하여 만든 오픈소스 프로젝트 입니다.

Arcus를 웹서버 또는 데이터베이스 사이에 위치시켜 빠른 응답 및 부하를 줄이기 위한 용도로 사용 할수 있습니다.

기타 자세한 사항은 http://naver.github.io/arcus/ 를 참고 하시기 바랍니다.


1.1. Arcus Architecture

Figure1. Arcus Architecture

1.2. Arcus 배포 과정

Figure2. Arcus Deployment

2. 서버구성

총 4대의 서버 Arcus Admin , memcached-1, memcached-2, memcached-3로 구성.

2.1. memcached 서버 설정
memcached로 사용될 서버에서 진행을 하며, memcached가 실행 될수 있도록 사용자를 생성 해줍니다.

– memcached 사용자 생성

root@memcached:~# useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin memcached
root@memcached:~# mkdir -p /var/run/memcached/ && chown memcached:memcached /var/run/memcached


– JDK 설치

zookeeper를 실행하기 위해 필요합니다.

root@memcached:~# curl -LO "http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u11-b12/jdk-8u11-linux-x64.tar.gz" \
-H 'Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie'
root@memcached:~# tar xzf jdk-8u11-linux-x64.tar.gz && mv jdk1.8.0_11 /usr/local/jdk && rm -f jdk-8u11-linux-x64.tar.gz
root@memcached:~# echo "# JDK" >> /etc/profile
root@memcached:~# echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk" >> /etc/profile
root@memcached:~# echo "export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin" >> /etc/profile


3. Arcus 빌드

3.1. 빌드에 필요한 패키지 설치

Arcus를 빌드하기 위해선 Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04 기준으로 아래 패키지가 필요합니다.

root@arcus:~# git subversion build-essential libtool libextutils-pkgconfig-perl libcppunit-dev python2.7-dev python-setuptools


– JDK 설치

JDK가 설치 되어 있지 않으면 빌드시에 arcus/bin 디렉토리에 바이너리가 생성이 되지 않습니다.

root@memcached:~# curl -LO "http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u11-b12/jdk-8u11-linux-x64.tar.gz" \
-H 'Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie'
root@memcached:~# tar xzf jdk-8u11-linux-x64.tar.gz && mv jdk1.8.0_11 /usr/local/jdk && rm -f jdk-8u11-linux-x64.tar.gz
root@memcached:~# echo "# JDK" >> /etc/profile
root@memcached:~# echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk" >> /etc/profile
root@memcached:~# echo "export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin" >> /etc/profile



ANT는 arcus를 빌드하기 위해 필요합니다.

root@arcus:~# cd /opt && curl -LO "http://www.us.apache.org/dist/ant/binaries/apache-ant-1.9.4-bin.tar.bz2"
root@arcus:~# tar xjf apache-ant-1.9.4-bin.tar.bz2 && rm -f apache-ant-1.9.4-bin.tar.bz2
root@arcus:~# echo "# Ant" >> /etc/profile
root@arcus:~# echo "export ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.9.4" >> /etc/profile
root@arcus:~# echo "export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin" >> /etc/profile
root@arcus:~# source /etc/profile


3.4. Arcus 빌드

Naver의 github 저장소에서 받아 빌드 합니다. (https://github.com/naver/arcus)

다만, 몇가지 버그로 인해 빌드와 실행이 안되는 것이 있어 제가 따로 패치한 것으로 빌드 하겠습니다.

root@arcus:~# cd /opt
root@arcus:/opt# git clone https://github.com/ruo91/arcus.git
root@arcus:/opt# cd arcus/scripts
root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ./build.sh


4. Arcus 설정

4.1. Zookeeper 설정

Arcus는 “scripts/arcus.sh”라는 쉘 스크립트를 사용 하여 관리 합니다.
이 스크립트를 사용할때 마다 -z 옵션을 사용하여야 하는데, 이 옵션은 zookeeper 서버 정보를 입력 받습니다.
관리할 서버가 많아지면 이것도 귀찮은 작업이 되므로, 해당 스크립트 내용중 “zklist”라는 변수에 관리할 zookeeper 서버 정보를 입력 하면, 매번 -z 옵션을 쓰지 않아도 됩니다.

“zklist” 변수의 기본값은 “″이며 “[ip or host]:[zookeeper port]” 형태로 수정 하시면 됩니다.
관리할 Zookeeper 서버가 많다면, zklist=”,,″ 와 같이 쉼표를 사용하여 추가 하면 됩니다.

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# sed -i 's/,,' arcus.sh


4.2. SSH Public Key 생성 및 배포

Arcus를 배포 할때 SSH Public key를 사용해 접근하기 때문에 비밀번호 없어도 접속할수 있도록 key를 생성 해줘야 합니다.

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ssh-keygen -t dsa -P '' -f "/root/.ssh/id_dsa"
root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# cat /root/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# chmod 644 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys


Memcached로 사용될 서버에 배포 합니다.

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# scp /root/.ssh/authorized_keys root@
root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# scp /root/.ssh/authorized_keys root@
root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# scp /root/.ssh/authorized_keys root@


4.3. Cache Cloud 설정

conf 디렉토리에 json 형식으로 파일을 생성 하고, 내용에는 Memcached 서버 정보를 알맞게 추가 합니다.
(설정법은 Arcus Configuration File 를 참고하시기 바랍니다.)
하나의 서버에 두개의 Memcached를 실행 하도록 설정 하겠습니다.
root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# nano conf/ruo91.json
    "serviceCode": "ruo91-cloud"
  , "servers": [
        { "hostname": "memcached-1", "ip": "",
          "config": {
              "port"   : "11211"
      , { "hostname": "memcached-1", "ip": "",
          "config": {
              "port"   : "11212"
      , { "hostname": "memcached-2", "ip": "",
          "config": {
              "port"   : "11211"
      , { "hostname": "memcached-2", "ip": "",
          "config": {
              "port"   : "11212"
      , { "hostname": "memcached-3", "ip": "",
          "config": {
              "port"   : "11211"
      , { "hostname": "memcached-3", "ip": "",
          "config": {
              "port"   : "11212"
  , "config": {
        "threads"    : "6"
      , "memlimit"   : "100"
      , "connections": "1000"


5. Arcus 배포

이제 memcached-1, memcached-2, memcached-3 서버에 arcus를 배포 합니다.

배포 과정에서 주의 할점은, arcus.tar.gz 파일을 netcat 유틸리티로 파일을 전송하기 때문에, netcat 유틸리티가 미리 설치가 되어 있어야 한다는 점 입니다. (없는 경우는 극히 드물지만..)

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ./arcus.sh deploy conf/ruo91.json
Server Roles
        {'zookeeper': ['', '', ''], 'memcached': [u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'']}

[] Executing task 'deploy'
[] Executing task 'deploy'
[] Executing task 'deploy'
[] run: mkdir -p /opt
[] run: mkdir -p /opt
[] run: mkdir -p /opt
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[localhost] local: tar -czf /tmp/tmpeE1gcF/arcus.tar.gz -C /opt arcus
[] out:
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[localhost] local: tar -czf /tmp/tmp2FNcZ3/arcus.tar.gz -C /opt arcus

[localhost] local: tar -czf /tmp/tmpCvCnQI/arcus.tar.gz -C /opt arcus
[] put: /tmp/tmpCvCnQI/arcus.tar.gz -> /opt/arcus.tar.gz
[] put: /tmp/tmpeE1gcF/arcus.tar.gz -> /opt/arcus.tar.gz
[] put: /tmp/tmp2FNcZ3/arcus.tar.gz -> /opt/arcus.tar.gz
[] run: tar -xzf arcus.tar.gz
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] run: tar -xzf arcus.tar.gz
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] run: tar -xzf arcus.tar.gz
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[] run: rm -f arcus.tar.gz
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[localhost] local: rm -rf /tmp/tmpCvCnQI
[] out:

[] run: rm -f arcus.tar.gz
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[localhost] local: rm -rf /tmp/tmpeE1gcF
[] out:

[] run: rm -f arcus.tar.gz
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[localhost] local: rm -rf /tmp/tmp2FNcZ3



6. Zookeeper 앙상블(ensemble) 설정 및 실행

6.1. Zoopkeeper 앙상블 설정

Arcus에서 사용하는 Zookeeper 앙상블을 설정 합니다.

명령이 끝난 뒤에 Zookeeper는 Ephemeral node 즉, 장애 발생시 자동으로 node가 지워질수 있도록 설정 됩니다.

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ./arcus.sh zookeeper init
Server Roles
        {'zookeeper': ['', '', ''], 'memcached': []}

====== Task: zk_config
[] Executing task 'zk_config_id'
[] run: mkdir -p data
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[] run: echo 1 > data/myid
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[] put: <file obj> -> /opt/arcus/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
[] Executing task 'zk_config_id'
[] run: mkdir -p data
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[] run: echo 2 > data/myid
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[] put: <file obj> -> /opt/arcus/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
[] Executing task 'zk_config_id'
[] run: mkdir -p data
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[] run: echo 3 > data/myid
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

[] put: <file obj> -> /opt/arcus/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
====== Task: zk_start
[] Executing task 'zk_start'
[] run: bin/zkServer.sh start
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: JMX enabled by default
[] out: Using config: /opt/arcus/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
[] out: Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
[] out:

[] Executing task 'zk_start'
[] run: bin/zkServer.sh start
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: JMX enabled by default
[] out: Using config: /opt/arcus/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
[] out: Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
[] out:

[] Executing task 'zk_start'
[] run: bin/zkServer.sh start
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: JMX enabled by default
[] out: Using config: /opt/arcus/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
[] out: Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
[] out:

====== Func: zk_wait
[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out:

[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: stale
[] out:

[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out:

zookeeper cluster not complete yet; sleeping 3 seconds
[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out:

[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: stale
[] out:

[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out:

zookeeper cluster not complete yet; sleeping 3 seconds
[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out:

[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: stale
[] out:

[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out:

zookeeper cluster not complete yet; sleeping 3 seconds
[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out:

[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: leader
[] out:

[] run: GOT=$(echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode:); if [ -z "$GOT" ]; then echo "Mode: stale"; else echo $GOT; fi
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out:

got a leader, and all nodes are up
====== Task: zk_create_arcus_structure
[u'/arcus', u'/arcus/cache_list', u'/arcus/client_list', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping']
====== Task: zk_stop
[] Executing task 'zk_stop'
[] run: bin/zkServer.sh stop
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: JMX enabled by default
[] out: Using config: /opt/arcus/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
[] out: Stopping zookeeper ... STOPPED
[] out:

[] Executing task 'zk_stop'
[] run: bin/zkServer.sh stop
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: JMX enabled by default
[] out: Using config: /opt/arcus/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
[] out: Stopping zookeeper ... STOPPED
[] out:

[] Executing task 'zk_stop'
[] run: bin/zkServer.sh stop
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: JMX enabled by default
[] out: Using config: /opt/arcus/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
[] out: Stopping zookeeper ... STOPPED
[] out:

Disconnecting from done.
Disconnecting from done.
Disconnecting from done.


6.2. Zookeeper 실행

등록 된 zookeeper 서버를 시작합니다.

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ./arcus.sh zookeeper start
Server Roles
{'zookeeper': ['', '', ''], 'memcached': []}

[] Executing task 'zk_start'
[] run: bin/zkServer.sh start
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: JMX enabled by default
[] out: Using config: /opt/arcus/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
[] out: Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
[] out:

[] Executing task 'zk_start'
[] run: bin/zkServer.sh start
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: JMX enabled by default
[] out: Using config: /opt/arcus/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
[] out: Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
[] out:

[] Executing task 'zk_start'
[] run: bin/zkServer.sh start
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: JMX enabled by default
[] out: Using config: /opt/arcus/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
[] out: Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
[] out:

Disconnecting from done.
Disconnecting from done.
Disconnecting from done.


6.3. Zookeeper 상태 확인

정상적으로 실행 되었는지 확인 합니다.

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ./arcus.sh zookeeper stat
Server Roles
        {'zookeeper': ['', '', ''], 'memcached': []}

[] Executing task 'zk_stat'
[] run: echo stat | nc localhost 2181
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Zookeeper version: 3.4.5--1, built on 05/22/2014 07:16 GMT
[] out: Clients:
[] out:  /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:43361[0](queued=0,recved=1,sent=0)
[] out:
[] out: Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/0
[] out: Received: 1
[] out: Sent: 0
[] out: Connections: 1
[] out: Outstanding: 0
[] out: Zxid: 0x100000003
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out: Node count: 8
[] out:

[] Executing task 'zk_stat'
[] run: echo stat | nc localhost 2181
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: This ZooKeeper instance is not currently serving requests
[] out:

[] Executing task 'zk_stat'
[] run: echo stat | nc localhost 2181
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out: Zookeeper version: 3.4.5--1, built on 05/22/2014 07:16 GMT
[] out: Clients:
[] out:  /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:43365[0](queued=0,recved=1,sent=0)
[] out:
[] out: Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/0
[] out: Received: 1
[] out: Sent: 0
[] out: Connections: 1
[] out: Outstanding: 0
[] out: Zxid: 0x100000003
[] out: Mode: follower
[] out: Node count: 8
[] out:

Disconnecting from done.
Disconnecting from done.
Disconnecting from done.


7. Memcached 등록 및 실행, 모니터링

7.1. Memcached 등록

Memcached 서버를 등록 합니다.

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ./arcus.sh memcached register conf/ruo91.json
Server Roles
        {'zookeeper': ['', '', ''], 'memcached': [u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'']}

No handlers could be found for logger "kazoo.client"
[u'/arcus/cache_list/ruo91-cloud', u'/arcus/client_list/ruo91-cloud', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/', u'/arcus/cache_server_mapping/']



7.2. Memcached 실행

2.1에서 설정한 memcached 사용자로 Memcached가 실행이 됩니다.

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ./arcus.sh memcached start ruo91-cloud
Server Roles
        {'zookeeper': ['', '', ''], 'memcached': []}

[] Executing task 'mc_start_server'
[] run: /opt/arcus/bin/memcached -u memcached -E /opt/arcus/lib/default_engine.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/syslog_logger.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/ascii_scrub.so -d -v -r -R5 -U 0 -D: -b 8192 -m100 -p 11211 -c 1000 -t 6 -z,,
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:
[] Executing task 'mc_start_server'
[] run: /opt/arcus/bin/memcached -u memcached -E /opt/arcus/lib/default_engine.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/syslog_logger.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/ascii_scrub.so -d -v -r -R5 -U 0 -D: -b 8192 -m100 -p 11212 -c 1000 -t 6 -z,,
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:
[] Executing task 'mc_start_server'
[] run: /opt/arcus/bin/memcached -u memcached -E /opt/arcus/lib/default_engine.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/syslog_logger.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/ascii_scrub.so -d -v -r -R5 -U 0 -D: -b 8192 -m100 -p 11211 -c 1000 -t 6 -z,,
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:
[] Executing task 'mc_start_server'
[] run: /opt/arcus/bin/memcached -u memcached -E /opt/arcus/lib/default_engine.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/syslog_logger.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/ascii_scrub.so -d -v -r -R5 -U 0 -D: -b 8192 -m100 -p 11212 -c 1000 -t 6 -z,,
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:
[] Executing task 'mc_start_server'
[] run: /opt/arcus/bin/memcached -u memcached -E /opt/arcus/lib/default_engine.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/syslog_logger.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/ascii_scrub.so -d -v -r -R5 -U 0 -D: -b 8192 -m100 -p 11211 -c 1000 -t 6 -z,,
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:
[] Executing task 'mc_start_server'
[] run: /opt/arcus/bin/memcached -u memcached -E /opt/arcus/lib/default_engine.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/syslog_logger.so -X /opt/arcus/lib/ascii_scrub.so -d -v -r -R5 -U 0 -D: -b 8192 -m100 -p 11212 -c 1000 -t 6 -z,,
[] out: stdin: is not a tty
[] out:

Disconnecting from done.
Disconnecting from done.
Disconnecting from done.


7.3. Memcached 모니터링

Memcached의 상황을 확인 할수 있습니다.

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ./arcus.sh memcached listall
Server Roles
        {'zookeeper': ['', '', ''], 'memcached': []}

serviceCode  status  total  online  offline  created                     modified
ruo91-cloud  OK          6       6        0  2014-05-22 07:27:21.121711  None

root@arcus:/opt/arcus/scripts# ./arcus.sh memcached list ruo91-cloud
Server Roles
        {'zookeeper': ['', '', ''], 'memcached': []}

serviceCode  status  total  online  offline  created                     modified
ruo91-cloud  OK          6       6        0  2014-05-22 07:27:21.121711  None




Exit mobile version